Understanding SEO

If you’re an Australian small business owner then you’ll know how important it is to show up on the first page of Google when your customers are looking for your products or services, right?

Especially in sectors like financial services or retail where clients are busy juggling competing deadlines and fast turnarounds, you need to catch their attention when they’re looking for you.

But do you know HOW to do this?

SEO - short for search engine optimisation - is the key that can unlock the door to higher search rankings.

Your goal is to rank first, underneath the paid ads. Everyone knows those first results have been paid for, so we as consumers usually ignore them and move straight to the first unpaid (or ‘organic’) results.

The owners of those organic entries clearly care enough about their business and their customers to put the effort and time into understanding how a good SEO practice leads to increased leads and revenue.

Get expert help

Google now uses more than 200 factors in its algorithm, including social signals, UX (user-interaction design), and the trust factor. Knowing which ones to focus on first can be very confusing.

Successful business owners understand the value that SEO brings to their business. If they can't actually make the changes themselves, they value SEO enough to pay an expert to do it for them. And if that expert is worth their fee, they will educate their clients to help them learn and understand what they need to do to get to the top of the rankings for their products or services.

E-commerce is booming

Increasingly, Australian consumers research products and services online before they buy. According to the Digital in 2019 Australia report (released by WeAreSocial/Hootsuite) online shopping experienced considerable growth over 2018. All metrics were up across the board, including:

  • people searching for products and services (+11%)
  • people visiting online stores (+11%)
  • people purchasing online (+10%) via both desktop (+22%) and mobile (+11%)

Overall the total value of the consumer goods and services e-commerce market increased +22% year-on-year to be worth an estimated AUD $27 billion.

Stop losing business

SEO is the most important tool in a digital marketer’s toolkit, and if you’re not showing up on Page 1 you’re losing business. We've been working in this space before it was born. If you need a hand, we have the expertise and the experience to guide you or your team. We run a lean operation without all the bean bags and pool tables to keep our costs down. We tailor training to your particular needs - workshops, one-on-one, online, Skype or Zoom, or coaching sessions.

Get in touch with Content Monkey now to talk about your SEO needs.

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